Synonyms equipment
equipment ▪ material ▪ gear ▪ kit ▪ apparatus
These are all words for the things that you need for a particular purpose or activity.
equipment the things that are needed for a particular purpose or activity:
camping equipment
a piece of equipment
material things that are needed for a particular activity:
household cleaning materials
teaching material
equipment or material?
Equipment is usually solid things, especially large ones. Materials may be liquids, powders or books, software, etc. containing information, as well as small solid items.
gear the equipment or clothes needed for a particular activity:
Skiing gear can be expensive.
kit a set of tools or equipment that you use for a particular purpose:
a first-aid kit
a tool kit
apparatus the tools or other pieces of equipment that are needed for a particular activity or task:
breathing apparatus for firefighters
laboratory apparatus
Apparatus is used especially for scientific, medical or technical purposes.
electrical/electronic equipment/gear/apparatus
sports equipment/gear/kit
camping equipment/gear
a piece of equipment/apparatus